What?s New with Our Site?
Well, not much. If you visit at regular intervals, you may find that one of us has had an amusing thought and has then actually been arsed to get up and post it on the web!!!!!!!! (long sentence, bad grammar!!!!!!) At the moment, most of the typing has been done by the actors who play as 'Dr. Knevil' and 'Dentures' (myself, who is typing at this very moment. Obviously not at the very moment of time at which you're readng this now, but it was the actual moment in which I was sat typing this!!! Make sense? No? I don't think so either, and I'm the one typing at this exact moment of time, well not the exact moment of time you're reading this but....NO THIS HAS TO STOP RIGHT NOW, well not exactly now at the time you're reading this but as I was typing it....ARRGHHHH, please somebody, stop me NOW!!!!!) and the others just pop in now and again and add some bits here and there. The main point is that updates are irregular and usually pretty useless, but hey, we're doing better than others, I'd imagine! Oh com'on what about Millenium Dome.co.uk, we must be doing better than them.....NO, what d'ya mean NO!!! Then why the hell am I sat here typing this then?
What?s New with The Films?
Simple answer, bugger all!!!!!