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Welcome To My Underground Website!
Hi! We are the Dr.Knevil Team. If you are wondering what that is and who we are; then listen up. We are a group of teenagers who have taken the idea of Austin Powers (sorry MIKE!) and other aspects from other movies (such as the A-Team for example) and not forgetting, the illustrious Bob Marley! and created the ultimate in movie screening. This here is our collaboration of our films as we stroll down memory lane, remanissing of good times and the all so funny (and very painful.)


The hit counter!!!! It gives us a record of the millions who visit the site(Ha yeh, RIGHT!!!!)
Listing Site Updates
Just about finished, yes, it's full!!!!!

Thank Bob for that!!!!
The Knevil Crew
Us at our very best and coinsidentally, our very worst!(as you will probably gather yourselves!!)Don't they look as if they are about to cry!!

Web Site Enhancements
There's not much more we really can do; oh yeah, UPDATE, Dr.Knevil 6 was recently completed (October 2002) and it was, well different!!!!!!
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How Many Movies Are There!
There are five movies in all at the moment.
Movie1= Dr.Knevil:The World Will Do For Now.
Movie2= Marley's Angels
Movie3= The Egg-Team
Movie4= Dr.Knevil & The Time Travelling Toilet
Movie5= Slowly Running Out Of Material.

Hopefully! With the help of my fellow co-stars (Kneviliers) we will in fact be making a sixth film.So watch this space!

Our Vehicle
The also famous vehicle of Anex Warrior Princess (don't ask!!)
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